
Bluestacks for macbook air 12.3
Bluestacks for macbook air 12.3

bluestacks for macbook air 12.3

In Keyboard Maestro, you can also assign the same shortcut to multiple applications. Lewis's implementation (which existed for many years before Apple came up with the feature in Snow Leopard). Apple's feature is probably taken/adopted from Peter N. You can do the same thing with Keyboard Maestro (and much much more). Test (alternative Application Shortcuts do now always work exactly as planned).This is what the finished result looks like. Add an alternative keyboard shortcut (in this illustration, I added Ctrl-Opt-Cmd-c).Enter the exact name of the menu item you wish to disable.

bluestacks for macbook air 12.3

Choose Safari from the drop down menu of offered applications (looks like the default list is applications which have been opened in the last three months).Click the Applications Shortcuts icon in the left hand column.Click Keyboard Shortcuts in the top pill shaped tab.You can disable shortcuts via Keyboard Shortcuts. Before browser makers figured out cmd-q was awfully dangerous without at least a prompt that the user really wants to close 60 tabs, I always changed the keyboard shortcut for the Quit command on my main browser.

Bluestacks for macbook air 12.3